“Esoteric Transfers and Constructions is an important and original volume that brings together an impressive cast of scholars around a critical theme in the study of Western esotericism: namely, the critical links between Jewish, Christian, and Islamic mystical traditions. This volume should be of tremendous interest to anyone working in the areas of Western esotericism, Jewish, Christian, and Islamic mysticism, and the history of religions more generally.” (Hugh B. Urban, Professor of Religious Studies and Director of the Center for the Study of Religion at Ohio State University, and author of Tantra: Sex, Secrecy, Politics, and Power in the Study of Religion)
“Brimming with original empirical research and insightful conceptual exploration, this stimulating collection of essays opens up new vistas on cultural contact and transfer among and within Jewish, Christian, Islamic and Western traditions of esotericism and mysticism. Acculturation, appropriation, construction, manipulation, reinvention, translation, transformation are all on offer at this banquet – a rare treat for all who are interested in the entanglement of esoteric and mystical ideas and practices around the Mediterranean.” (Ahmet T. Karamustafa, Professor of Middle East and Islam at the University of Maryland, and author of: Sufism a Formative Period.)
The universal categories resulting from this research were subsequently understood as essentialist constructions and questioned by deconstructionists. An alternative vision was proposed by “diffusionists”, interested not in universal archetypes but in the passage of ideas and practices between religious movements.
“This fresh and stimulating collection demonstrates the importance and continued relevance of Esotericism within and across the Abrahamic traditions. For example, the Enneagram, Kabbalah, Sufism, and the Occult continue to provoke popular fascination—but here serious scholarly work discloses the significant cultural, historical, and religious currents that have woven through such phenomena for centuries—dispelling some myths while introducing and situating provocative and engaging individuals whose quests drew them to mystical and mysterious dimensions of human experience.” (Marcia Hermansen, Director of Islamic World Studies, Theology Department, Loyola University Chicago, USA)